Adding Some Soul

1. Small Axes Series - Starting Small

Change your tune. And create a Public Playlist you can live to and spark some new creativity in your life. Use it to align yourself away from any of the chaos or monotony. Use it as background music to propel your days through your own awakening.

I've chosen a childhood legend that all us 90s kids can enjoy and that all our kids now deserve. : )

Bob words both uplift and sooths the soul. Raggae is also next level and I challenge you to make your own feel-great playlist and share with us. All the best!


2. Tarbiya Series - An Awakening Experience


My experience. My tarbiya. This playlist is the best and a few of what really spoke to me and I believe can help others or a friend who are also looking for a good listen and series to help set them to a better state and understanding.

I recommend reading through completely for a complete understanding. I won't dialogue on a particular series' or any of its critic unless you've bothered to listen to at least that series' entirety. 

I also recommend you watch it in its entirety if you care enough to and just leave me alone unless you're looking to grow your own food and community.

May God Bless you and us all on our journey ahead.


Also, stop wasting hours a week getting stuck on ads + + + all the distraction is removed. It's an entirely different experience.
3 months free to start.
Your welcome. : )

Tarbiya is an Arabic word that linguistically means: increase, nurture, rear, growth, or loftiness. Tarbiyah means the development and the training of people in various aspects.

My journey reset a few months ago and I took a long awaited and delayed trip to the mountains with myself. Sand Dunes of Colorado and highest Peek I could find for 3 days with my boy and pup. My heart was satisfied, everything was aligned, it's highly recommended, and perhaps I'll share its story someday; but for now you can enjoy what I've benefited from since.

I'm a big believer in cycles. Read the AUDIENCE below and there you should start.

Wherever you start, I welcome you to cycle through the entire series. I'll be cycling through it again as I ready myself for another blessed but tumultuous year. Gardening & Prepping playlist to come.
I welcome and thank you for joining me.

Tarbiya 1 - An Islamic Perspective

Audience - A Seeking Muslim

Tarbiya 2 - Stir It Up

Audience - Open Minded

Tarbiya 3 - Move Yourself

Audience - Those looking to control the chaos

Tarbiya 4 - Let's Wake Up

 Audience - Who want to do more


3. Grow for Yourself in The Garden School

4. Inceptions of Good.
tbd. . .

Let us know how we can help you grow