At Braga Farms, we’re on a mission to redefine what “local” means by bringing food security and sustainability to the forefront of urban agriculture. With blogs like: Your 12 Month Plan to Building a Sustainable Food Forest , Volunteer Calendars, Workshops and more we aim bring clarity and ease to fellow growers.
And through our ambitious Year of 1 Million initiative, we aim to inspire transformational change:
1 million figs planted and thriving across DFW homes.
1 million seed packs distributed to empower gardens everywhere.
1 million new gardeners engaged in growing their food.
1 million eBooks shared to promote sustainable agriculture.
$1 million for Braga Friends to strengthen local and global partnerships.
1 million in grants secured to fuel urban agricultural growth.
Together, we empower communities to share their harvests, care for the planet, and grow thriving food systems. 🌍 Every seed sown is a step toward abundance—one garden at a time.
"It's time we bring culture back in agriculture."
– Farmer Braga
🌟 Join the Growing Revolution
Braga Farms believes in the collective power of food systems. Whether you’re planting your first seed or managing an urban farm, every action builds a sustainable network. Explore how you can contribute:
🍁 Fall
Stock Up: Purchase seeds for your family and community from our online store.
Seed Vaults: Share with local churches, daycares, and schools to build future growth.
👉 Resource: Learn more about creating neighborhood seed vaults.
❄️ Winter
Prune & Share: Share cuttings of figs, jujube, and grapes.
Plan Ahead: Use this quiet season to organize for a thriving Spring.
👉 Resource: Discover our pruning guides.
🌱 Spring
Transplant: Start your garden and help neighbors grow theirs.
Nurture Soil: Learn to build healthy soil using composting techniques.
☀️ Summer
Balance Your Ecosystem: Maximize natural resources to build a thriving environment.
Engage: Attend workshops on sustainability and gardening.
👉 Resource: Workshops & Events Calendar
We’re Here to Plant, Seed, and Share With You
The best time to plant a tree was yesterday. The next best time is today. Start with what you have, where you are, and grow alongside us. Together, we can create a thriving, sustainable future for all.