The Garden - Turning North Texas into a Food Forest

This page is dedicated to helping us grow our own food. Pushing on these 12 Steps will result in a budding food forest within 5 years - 10 years within your region.

We've made it easy with our collections to also purchase tools, produce, and books that will help you get started. We are also really proud of our books and literature to come. Check them both out on our Home Page.

Individually - Can't get started?

Give yourself and your family 5% more. Start small and keep growing. No place is too small.

  • Kitchens - Beautifully green grow towers are now available with 50 plants grown in as little as 4' space. Year around.
  • Spare Rooms & Garage - Aguaponics and Hydroponics kits are now available.
  • Patio - Consider containers and hang bags if you're still feeling limited.
  • Back yard
  • Front yard
  • Friends yard

Neighborly - We must share in the bounty.

Those ahead should also try to help and facilitate those getting started. It's NOT the green thumb that everyone's missing; it's the elbow-grease and the will to give and take more out of the day.

Communally - As we branch out, we'll find many who are truly in need. Both physically and spiritually. A community dedicated to their food security is better able to foster networks and the zietgeist needed for a healthy society.

Cities - Activate the public.

Petition your local representatives for a Recreational Budget (some are in the hundreds of millions annually) that reflects the values and needs of the people. Many of us frequent dog parks and trails daily, why don't we have fruit and nut trees that we can all enjoy and benefit from?

At least once a month, communities should try to come together at City Hall. Imagine if just 5% of the residence of a city got together once a month. What could that not stimulate locally?


Metroplex - Guerilla Planting.

We shouldn't need permission to cultivate wild orchards and fields.

Every metroplex should focus on what is easiest and most prolific to grow in their area. For example, DFW should focus on Peaches, Pecans, Figs, Jujjube, Blackberries, Mint, Herbs etc.

Still can't get started? Check out The Path to Grow - The Soul.

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